J.R.R. Tolkien

J.R.R. Tolkien
I am a writer, poet, philologist, and university professor, best known as the author of the classic high fantasy works The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Color Red For The Blind

The Color "RED" For The Blind

Trying to explain the color RED to a blind person is a difficult task, but in my point of view, RED, is much more than a color. RED is a heavy emotion, burdened by hate and caressed by love. A warm color, much like a morning sun's rays. Exerts out of the body much like a punch to the face. Signs of danger, loud sirens roar. Societies' out cast, but also its much needed friend.In a spiritual way, a materialistic person.Someone that does not own their possessions but the possession owns them. You see the color RED does not really have an explanation, but a sort of feel. In my perspective the blind are fortunate, not burdened by a colors connotation. RED is not attached to anger or love but can be associated with freedom, life and other feelings that people relate to this one color.RED.

2. How does competition function in our society? To what extent is it healthy/unhealthy? Offer some real world examples taken from your life, community, culture, state, nation, or world.

As a gamer i believe some competition is healthy to SOME extent. Sadly i have seen and even heard people completely consumed by competition. One example is Call of Duty a multiplayer game where many of its inhabitants are pitted against each other to create animosity amongst humans. Its inhabitants slave away in the glow of their tv screen trying to outrank and best their enemy, many of whom don't sleep so they can have the upper hands in weaponry. Another example is a tv episode of Tales of the Crypt, Cutting cards, an episode where two gamblers are consumed by rage at each other that they go as far, to beat their enemy, as playing Russian roulette. Still they are not satisfied when the bullet is a dud, the next game they play is abnormal version of black jack where the winner gets to cut off one of the fingers of the looser! Although competition can be dangerous it can also stimulate one in a positive way, such as school who can get the better grade!

3. How have you taken something that you have learned in the classroom and integrated it into your nonacademic life?

One thing i have integrated into non academic life would probably be the Pythagorean theorem. It all started when my dad wanted to add a slope to then side of my house and had estimated the angle and the house looked sloped distinctively! He asked for my help and i said that he might have to use math in order to slope the roof just right so the house doesn't look oblong. Fortunately i had measured the distances between ground, shadow, and height and calculated the angle correctly. Now my house looks symmetrical and spectacular!

4. If you could go back in time and be someone in history, who would you choose to be? Why?

If i am able to go back in time i would be Gandhi because i want to experience his way to enlightenment and pacifism. He is one of my personal idols in pacifism. He went to such extremes just to have one piece of what he believed of freedom! Also the fact of spreading the ideals of pacifism and being an influential part of history would also be a great honor!

5. If you had the responsibility to decide where $1 million should be spent to improve conditions somewhere in the world, what project(s) would you choose? Why?

If granted with one million dollars i would open institutions of learning around the world where students are able to receive a higher education. I believe that in order for many issues to become diluted such as war racism sexism etc. the masses have to be educated which includes mostly children since the parental ideas are resurrected through the youth. Also as the Italian government tried to eradicate the mafia influence it targeted its youth to drive them away from being involved with mafia activity, which is what i want but with knowledge.

6. How have you tried to effect change in relation to an issue of personal, local, or national significance?

Occupy Wall Street, a protest movement for a more equal balance of not only money but of power. Where the one percent (snooty rich folk) rule most of America and consider it a plutonomy a society where the rich ruling class control much of the nation. Instead of participating in a frivolous protest with unclear demands the i spread the word of what is happening with America. How its not the prosperous nation it once was where families did not have to struggle with paying debts or getting evicted. Spreading the word to just stand by and view the society we once were a part of crumble beneath the weight of the one percent. Enlightening those who seek the truth. Also some support for a new system of democracy wouldn't hurt.

7. If you could introduce one new idea or material thing to a primitive culture, what would it be?

One thing i would introduce to primitive culture would be science, and not just inventions but actual sciences such as physics and biology because with the aid of science our own civilization would be so advanced in science that we would already be capable of going to the moon...... as a tourist attraction. Other than that the mere fact of primitive peoples minds being blown and their faces in awe is more enough reason to bring science into the primitive age!

8. If you were to describe yourself using a quotation, what would that quotation be? After you have chosen a quote, then write a bit about how it relates to you and reveals what kind of person you are.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable"- JFK
  It describes not only me but many people, in a way that if the people are not satisfied with something they will protest, and those who oppose them will eventually cause a violent outburst. Much like my attitude if i feel my rights as an individual or my self expression is being impeded on i will react with protest but after many times being shot down i will eventually attack back. Funny thing about this is that i am a pacifist but yet I am not shy enough to land a couple punches if someone or something is causing others problems.

9. Given the authority to establish a holiday, what would you choose to commemorate? Why? What would the celebration look like?

As a pacifist i would like to see a day commemorated to human kind where east and west can Come Together and celebrate the fact that we are all human. Where two enemies can hang out on one day and forget their differences. Celebration will be a "block party" kind of celebration where you invite all the people you have ever met and just celebrate your similarities instead of your differences. The reason of celebrating pacifism is to appreciate the brotherly connection we want to have with all other humans. Finally the Pacifist day of the year would bring peace to all countries at least for a day to stop the bloodshed.

10. What is the best advice you've ever received? Explain.

I believe the best advice that i ever received was from my pastor 5 years ago. Unfortunately i forgot his name but his advice stuck with me and made me the person i am today. "Anger gets you into trouble but pride keeps you there." a quote from an unknown source which my pastor gave to me. Anger does get you into dilemmas that would be avoidable but your constant pride and stubbornness keeps you there. As a very selfish person my own pride and anger have gotten me little friends and many enemies where walking home caused distress. Being humble attracts other people to you because of the mutual feeling of friendship. I thank my pastor for his advice that potentially changed my raging hatred to pacifism.

This Blog brought to you by: "Bad Advice Dog"

11. Ask and answer the one important question that a university won't ask you, but you wish they would.

Question: Why are you really coming to college for?
Answer: As a child living in a lower middle class family my parents always urged me to become a well educated individual with a sturdy job that pays well. When i asked why my parents always answered with a subtle "you'll see". Following Bush's presidency was the collapse of the economy. People were loosing jobs and money was becoming scarce. Fortunately my dad had built up a reputation as the best Painter (walls ceilings etc.) in his company he was never laid off or fired. Now when i see my dad a 58 year old man working hard to bring food to our table I understand what they meant by "you'll see". Also I have an interest in psychological and genetic studies.

12. Your life is a movie. Describe the first 15 minutes.

MY MOVIE: I come home from school, its a friday, start to do homework. Sigh at the fact that the next day means work. I go to sleep. I wake up at five in the morning and help my parents load up a pick up truck with many objects ready for sale, a full day passes and return to home tired and frustrated with the fact that his whole week has turned to work. My week either consists of school or actual labor, frustrated with the fact that i had too many responsibilities as a child i get up one day and decide that its going to be my day.

13. Write a letter to your future college roommate introducing yourself and your background.

Dear, Roman Mateh

  I am pleased to be your roommate in UCLA.I am J.R.R. Tolkien i am in my teens and love biological and genetic studies. As a Mexican-American student i enjoy spicy food as well as Chinese food. I come from a household with three sisters and i have a thing for cleanliness, i am a hard worker but not your maid, so BE CLEAN! Finally i will probably study genetics and stay up all night so please do not be bothered. Anyways i hope to see you here!

Sincerely JRR TOLKIEN!

14. Please describe your reactions/ideas to the following quote: "He does not possess wealth, it possesses him."

The quote represents a traumatized person who values wealth other than their own life. A human bound by gilded chains and wears ragged money as clothing. Money choking a man senseless. All these qualities come to mind when a wealth controls the person that owns it. Living only to be wealthier, to have that extra car that extra diamond. Unfortunately their are humans that have money chaining them to their property never allowing them to leave.

15. What is the most valuable contribution you could make to a college campus? Explain.

Other than my brilliance and talent, a great contribution to a college campus will be a campus clean up. Although silly at first the main idea is that high school students need community service hours and colleges usually struggle with litter. In combination of high school students cleaning a college campus will not only earn them community service but also they get to view an actual college campus they might attend in the future.Second of all what college wouldn't want a clean up service free of charge!

16. Explain a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dillema you have faced and its impact on you

During middle school I was bullied not just by some people but by my own "friends", or those who i would consider my friends. Painfully made fun of in middle school i spiraled into depression and anxiety, instead of knowing the pain i redirected it towards other people bullying others while i was being bullied. Fortunately when freshman year came about i had an epiphany realizing that i was getting hurt on purpose because i kept hanging out with them. Fortunately i found a new set of friends and a new meaning to go by everyday. Bullies are like sand paper, they keep scratching your surface until one day they are all dull and worn out while your smooth and shiny. I carry that advice and i give it to my real friends that sometimes have problems too. I have to at least appreciate the fact that my bullies made me the caring and kind person I am now, and the help of finding my true friends! All i had to do was hang in there.

17. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.

As a teenager in school I have a problem with myself. A constant war raging in front of many of my peers and teacher who fail to notice it.I have a anxiety disorder which causes me to have anxiety/panic attacks at random during the day, many of which occur during school. having no real trigger i am constantly fighting myself trying to re-control my own thoughts and emotions.
Anxiety: distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune: He felt anxiety about the possible loss of his job. 
The dictionary definition  does not compare to the HORRIFIC VILE MONSTER that hides in the shadows and causes fear and distraught throughout the person it inhabits. Although currently having help from a psychologist, it still plagues my everyday life and school. As i am currently writing this blog anxiety sits beside me, but this monsters importance means that I will have the greatest payoff among my peers due to the thought of overcoming that MONSTER grants hope that the next battle will be VICTORIOUS.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blog 18. Yup its a slow one...

 One thing i would change about our school is the bell schedule. Confusing, disorienting and annoying because of switching classes many students get caught in the tardy sweep while searching for their correct class. The banners that would frequent the schools ground now only pose outside some entrances where some students don't utilize and are confused to what class they have to report to. As well as switching classes the extended time added to a certain class doesn't help the student raise his grades due to all the other students wanting to do work for other classes, but unfortunately have to wait days even weeks until a certain class of theirs is given the heavenly extra hour a student needs. Second problem i would change at our school is some of the administration due to the fact that some admins were not up to the challenge of running a high school therefore under developed, and thus cannot handle situations that are now plague our school.

Blog 19, we're getting there....

 In my perspective school should not have mandatory attendance, due to the fact that many "students" come to "hang out" with their friends and shove aside the educational tools that are given to them for free. While the "students" are wasting the schools time , class, and money other real students are not given the educational attention they deserve. Thus with many students not wanting to learn class sizes increase to the point where individual brilliance is no longer rewarded but just fades away with the chatter of the "students". The secondary effect is that the less higher educated people (university students) less common are the jobs therefore those educations that sacrifice thousands of dollars are repaid with jobs are well suited for the debts the student is in. Now the ethical issue of less educated masses will fall upon themselves. The few that actually want to go to school will have more financial help due to less students, universities, colleges, etc. will have lower tuition rates due to less students (or complete opposite with higher prices) and finally those that are actually desire education, will have lower failure rates due to the unscholarly disturbances no longer present.

Blog 20

 The first reason why a snake would be a spectacular character to speak to due to its slender body, agile movements, and its terrorizing stare and i would like to know if a snake truly is the deceitful monster it is described as. In many texts, mainly The Bible, a demon is represented by devious snake coaxing Eve to eat an apple from the forbidden tree. Although snakes have been portrayed as the cunning trickster of many tales, the snake is the most dangerous yet harmless in the known animal kingdom. Attacking when it feels in danger, man always perceived the negative reaction towards humans as hatred and anger.